Plantation Establishment
choosing a site for your truffle plantation you should have the soil
tested to measure its natural pH, buffering capacity, organic matter
content and the availability of plant nutrients. The suitable soil
pH range is between 7.5 and 8.3, but 7.9 is considered ideal. If your
soil pH is below this level you will need to add lime to raise the
pH. Raising the pH can take several years with annual lime applications,
but the trees can be planted before the pH reaches the ideal level.
However, if the soil pH is low then other fungi living naturally in
that soil are probably better adapted to low pH conditions and the
faster you get your pH into the ideal range the less likely other
fungi are to become established on the roots of your truffle trees.
The best approach would be to raise the pH all the way to 7.9 before
the trees are planted to give potential competitors as little opportunity
as possible to exploit non-ideal conditions, but few farmers are willing
to wait that long before planting.
amount of lime required to raise the pH varies with the starting pH,
the soil texture and buffering capacity and the type of lime that
you use. The ideal pH is way above levels ideal for maximizing soil
fertility and approaches the level where most plants begin to suffer
from various nutrient deficiencies. Consequently, agricultural specialists
will have a difficult time predicting the amount of lime required
to raise the pH since they typically have no experience with raising
pH to these levels. The task for the truffle farmer is to add lime
incrementally with continued pH testing until the ideal pH is reached.
Lime can take as much as a year to change the pH and it is often difficult
to add enough lime in a single application so the process of applying
lime is necessarily gradual. Once the ideal pH is reached it will
need to be maintained with supplemental lime applications as necessary
since rain water tends to leach calcium from the soil and reduce pH
over time.
It is also important to correct serious nutrient deficiencies and
imbalances prior to planting. Truffles often do better in relatively
low productivity soils, but they use all of the same nutrients required
by their host trees and will suffer if those nutrients are seriously
deficient or made unavailable by imbalances. However, it is important
not to overdo it with fertilizers. Generous fertilization will benefit
the host tree, but at some point the truffles are unable to take advantage
of excess nutrition and other fungi that are able to respond to higher
soil fertility may gain the competitive advantage.
and spacing of the trees is a subject of some debate and different
approaches are used. Generally speaking, Tuber melanosporum grows
beneath relatively isolated trees or trees at the edge of forests
in its natural habitat. Thus, many plantations in Europe are fairly
sparse with as few as 100 or fewer large trees per acre. In other
cases the trees are packed close with as many as 1000 trees per acre
to encourage the movement of the fungus from one tree to the next
through vegetative growth of the fungal mycelium. The spacing of the
trees also depends to a large extent on the size of the tree species
used, soil fertility, and the willingness of the farmer to thin the
trees when they begin to crowd, possibly removing some that may be
producing truffles.
It is not necessarily true that more trees will produce more truffles.
Trees stressed by overcrowding may have fewer resources to give to
the truffles and closure of the canopy is generally considered harmful
to survival of French black truffles. Further, while root contact
between trees will facilitate spread of truffle mycelium, it also
facilitates vegetative spread of competing fungus species. Plantations
established with high densities are fine when the trees are young
and small, and by having more trees the likelihood of early production
increases, but they must be thinned later to prevent crowding.
One plantation arrangement promoted in New Zealand is to mix large
and small trees to take advantage of early production beneath the
small trees and longer production beneath the large trees. In this
approach, the trees are planted at high densities with, for example,
two hazelnut trees per oak tree. The hazelnuts should begin production
several years earlier than the oaks, but their production will decline
after 20-30 years. The oaks take longer to begin production, but they
can maintain it for up to 50 years. The plantation density is calculated
so that the oaks will be at a desirable spacing once they begin production
and the hazelnuts are removed.
site should be plowed prior to planting to remove existing vegetation
and set the stage for planting and maintenance of the plantation.
Any lime and/or fertilizer applications are easiest at this time before
the trees are planted. This is also the easiest time to install buried
irrigation lines. New World Truffieres ships it trees in the winter
while they are dormant and they should be planted well before bud
burst in the spring. Planting holes can be dug by hand or with a mechanical
augur to a depth of approximately 10 inches and a width of at least
4 inches. When filling the hole to bury the roots of the truffle tree
the soil should be broken up to eliminate clods so that no voids are
left around the tree’s roots. The roots should be buried to
just above the root crown. Healing the trees in by drenching the soil
in the planting hole with water will collapse any remaining void spaces
making better contact between roots and soil and it will improve growth
and survival through the first year. Where rabbits and deer are common
the seedlings should be protected from browsing until they grow large
enough to endure it. Once the trees are planted it is very important
to control weeds and grass growing near them. Grass will kill your
trees by depriving them of water and nutrients. At this stage mowing
is not sufficient within a few feet of the trees and light tilling
or hoeing is more effective to prevent weed establishment. Complete
weed and grass control in the vicinity of the trees is essential until
they are well established. Finally, irrigation through the first year
or two is helpful to ensure survival.
Plantation management
your plantation is established and the trees have reached 3-5 years
old brules or burnt areas where the grass is killed by the truffles
should begin to appear. At this point various plantation management
strategies can be employed. The basic management goal is to maintain
soil moisture and temperature conditions beneficial to truffle production.
The approaches necessary to maintain these conditions can vary from
place to place and different farmers may want to use different methods
depending on availability of equipment, time and money. The basic
management practices include irrigation, weed control, soil aeration,
pruning, thinning, mulching, and in some cases fertilization. A fundamental
requirement in all cases is to maintain the soil pH necessary for
truffle production.
At the extremes of low and high intensity management are the Tanguy
and Pallier methods. At the low intensity end of the scale the Tanguy
method calls for mowing to control weeds, but does not involve soil
aeration pruning, irrigation, or fertilization. This method is simple
enough for those without tractors, availability of irrigation water
or the time and money to invest in more intensive management approaches.
It is also safer in the sense that it errs on the side of less intervention
with its potential to damage the plantation. However, it generally
takes a couple more years for truffle production to begin.
more intensive Pallier method calls for light tilling or harrowing
in the spring and early summer to control weeds and aerate the soil.
The trees are pruned into a cone with the point facing down to maximize
penetration of sunlight through the canopy and warm the soil. And
finally, irrigation is supplied as necessary to emulate the summer
and fall weather that produces the largest truffle yields. It is possible
through this method to till too deeply and damage roots, and to irrigate
too much, giving the competitive advantage to other fungi so these
methods should be used carefully. However, the Pallier approach is
thought to produce truffles somewhat earlier than less intensive approaches
and to allow the farmer more control over microclimatic conditions.
In some cases irrigation may be necessary simply to keep the trees
and the truffles alive if natural precipitation is insufficient.